Turn off or dim street lights?

Recently, we have spoken to many municipalities that are interested in what can be done to save energy. With irregular electricity prices and an uncertain future, it is not that strange. The street lights have become an obvious parameter where changes could to be done. In that aspect PrismaTibro, as a luminaire manufacturer, is a focal point. And we are glad to help.
Welcome to contact us, regardless of the matter. It could be for advice, light calculations or quotations. On our website, you can also find useful information. 

Energy savings = central

Everybody has different theories and methods considering how to save energy efficiently. Dimming is one option. Another option is to turn off every other or every third luminaire. The latter option is nothing that we at PrismaTibro would recommend, since it can be perceived unsafe. We work with traffic safety on a daily basis – both through our luminaires and our pedestrian signals. With our background and knowledge, we find it quite risky to turn off luminaires. What would happen if there was an accident, and it turned out that one or multiple luminaires were turned off at the site?

– From a safety perspective, dimming is the better option. You will get a more even light. Otherwise, the eye must continuously adapt to the new lighting, since it’s shifting from light do dark, states Malin Buss, CEO at Prisma Tibro and Product Manager for Prisma Light.

3 facts about dimming

  • The total experience is better
  • Professionals have difficulty noticing the difference between 10 and 20 W
  • You can save more energy than what is possible by turning off every other luminaire

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