Prisma Daps: Direction arrow and vibrator plate

Helpful for people with impaired vision.
It’s such a simple relief, for everyone. Anyone can feel and understand what is needed.


Feeling Prisma Daps by hand can get you clear info about walk direction.

Pulse or/and Vibrator

Available in three versions:

  • Pressure button plate
  • Tactile doted plate
  • Arrow

Soft, hard and colour

Hard plastic mounted on the top cover.
Soft rubber type mounted on the bottom cover.
Choose between blue, yellow or black.

Item Number

Top cover, hard plastic direction arrows
1. Blue, single arrow, Item No. 835-0543
2. Blue, double arrow, Item No. 835-0544
3. Yellow, single arrow, Item No. 835-0547
4. Yellow, double arrow, Item No. 835-0548
Option: Bottom cover, soft direction arow and plate
Feeling the pulse, helps you to know which trafic signal phase is active now.
5. Blue, single arrow, Item No.835-0545
6. Blue, double arrow, Item No. 835-0546
7. Blue, pressure button with push function, Item No. 825-5120
8. Blue, doted plate, Item No. 825-5121
9. Yellow, single arrow, Item No. 835-0549
10. Yellow, double arrow, Item No. 835-0550
11. Yellow, pressure button with push function, Item No. 825-5120-1
12. Önorm, black, single arrow, Item No. 825-5110
13. Önorm, black, double arrow, Item No. 825-5111


CLICK HERE for more info about mounting and installation.

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