PrismaTibro AB

Founded in 1987. Four brands developed and manufactured in Tibro, Sweden.
Advanced functions, yet easy to use – a concept successful all over the world.
Before april 2019, PrismaTibro was the name used for the two companies – Prisma Teknik AB and Prisma Light AB.
Later they merged into one company: PrismaTibro AB.

Prisma Daps, Product range
  • Developed in collaboration with visually impaired people to include important perspectives.
  • Functions that are important for every pedestrian and useful for all traffic environments.
  • Over time, the possibilities have increased and Prisma Daps is probably the most advanced pedestrian signal in the world.
  • Adjustments are easy: use the Android-app to adjust settings on site.
  • CLICK HERE for more information about Prisma Daps.
Prisma Light, Product range
Klicka här för att läsa mer om Flexibump
  • Flexibump is the speed bump that flexes and compresses slightly when vehicles pass at the appropriate speed, making it less rigid compared to other speed bumps.
  • This is achieved through our own Swedish manufacturing using unique design and material properties in specially developed rubber.
  • Proven technology and Sweden’s best-selling portable speed bumps.
  • Provides maximum traffic safety and comes with a 10-year warranty.
  • Flexibump is easy to install, without pre-drilling, casting or any other complications.
  • CLICK HERE for more information about Flexibump.
Prisma DI, Product range
  • Prisma DI is a measuring instrument for very large engines
  • “DI” is short for Deflection Indicator, as the device measures crankshaft deflection
  • The complete name for the product family is Prisma DI
  • The product family also includes Prisma DI Ovality Kit, an easy and equally intelligent ovality indicator
  • The mutual factor for the instruments is very high accuracy
  • CLICK HERE for more information about Prisma DI.
Prisma Button, Product range