Features and parts
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Prisma Daps from Tibro, Sweden is probably the world’s most advanced pedestrian signal.
Most people have used it and probably not thought about it to be more than “push for green light”.
That is OK
We see only advantages in that it is perceived as simple, accurate and dependable.
Under the “hood”, you will find many surprises. There is great help for all road-users and installers, but especially for those with impaired vision and hearing. Preschool teachers can be given longer time to cross the street.
Prisma Daps withstands tough conditions
Imagine being outdoors all the time – no matter the heat, cold, rain, snow or biting wind. On top of that, you are expected to function impeccably for decades. We have made Prisma Daps ready for rough and gentle handling:
- Suitable for all traffic systems regardless of the voltage/power
- Stable construction encloses advanced electronics
- Anti-graffiti treatment makes the joy of vandals short-lived
- A button placed on the bottom lid will give you longer time to pass the crosswalk
- Bluetooth allows the installer to easily rewrite one of about a hundred lines that make up the configuration file (parameter file)
- With touchless, you will not have to push the front to report your presence
- Prisma Daps Detect will notice if you are still waiting or if you have left the area