News: Prisma Daps

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  • Prisma Daps  övergångssignal i Hong Kong

From Tibro To The World

Our products have reached over 90 countries since 1987. In the future, we are looking forward to bringing our over 35 years of expertise to new horizons.

  • Youtuber Linus Boman Prisma Daps

Youtuber Linus Boman video about Prisma Daps relief symbols

Youtouber Linus Boman, with his 173,000 followers, has in his latest video showcased Prisma Daps' relief symbols. Prisma Dap's relief symbols are an important feature that helps visually impaired people navigate safely at pedestrian crossings...

  • Prisma Daps historia

The History of Prisma Daps

Some of our earliest push buttons for pedestrians were called TS-9XX. Today, they are called Prisma Daps, Digital Acoustic Pedestrian Signal.

  • Prisma Daps Warranty and Repair

Prisma Daps Warranty and Repair

Prisma Daps Warranty and Repair. Buying products from PrismaTibro is safe investment. High quality. Warranty terms of 5 years. 

  • Prisma Daps

Prisma Daps – Parts and functions

Name of features and parts Scroll and click on the images below for a more detailed presentation. Prisma Prisma Daps from Tibro, Sweden is probably the world's most advanced pedestrian signal. Most people have pushed it and probably not thought about it to be more than "press for green light". That is fine with us. We see only advantages in that it is perceived as simple, accurate and dependable.

  • Prisma Daps kommunicerar med Bluetooth

Prisma Daps: Bluetooth Replaces NFC

Bluetooth Replaces NFC. The change took place in May 2022. As previously: Adjustment of settings in what we call parameter file is done with Android app. The new thing is that transfer from Android device now takes place with Bluetooth...

  • Prisma Daps
  • Prisma Daps

Setting through Bluetooth or/even USB

A beloved child has many names. Config.txt. Functions. Settings. We call it for parameter file. The file that includes all the parameters for Prisma Daps. Parameter. Simple described - A determined value. The one who determines the value can decide to change to something new or something else. Prisma Daps gives big possibilities to make the settings you wish. End result:...

  • Prisma Daps Detect prioriterar

Prisma Daps Detect offers priority treatment

Prisma Daps 2000 Detect offers completely new possibilities. Prioritizes accessibility: RFID tag and vibrator push function precede presence detection.  Presence detection: Attendance detection with auto cancellation when no one is there. The detection zone can be adjusted...

  • Prisma Daps avaktiverar anmälan

Prisma Daps deactivates demand

Prisma Daps 2000 • L Detect is equipped with presence detection that provides auto cancellation. This is how it works: When a pedestrian makes a request on Prisma Daps, the unit begins to monitor the presence within...

  • Prisma Daps Detect

Prisma Daps detects up to just over 2.5 meters

When a request to get a green man is made, Prisma Daps begins to monitor the presence within the detection zone. The area of the detection zone can be set up to 2.6 meters. If the person who made...

  • Prisma Daps Detect erbjuder trafikflöde

Prisma Daps Detect offers more efficient traffic flow

If no one is there, the request is getting cancelled. Have you ever been to that before? So, that: the one who pressed (requested) to get the green man shortly after left the crossing?...

  • Läs fel i klartext

Read errors in plain text

Read errors in plain text. Prisma Daps can announce in clear text about/what has gone wrong. Now in the Prisma Daps Android app...

  • Prisma Daps erbjuder dimning

Prisma Daps offers dimming detection of red and green light

We have recently fulfilled another request from a customer: Dimming detection of red and green light. This is how it works: If the lamp voltage falls below a certain threshold level, this can be detected by creating a signal on a virtual wire. A virtual wire can be set to...

  • Prisma Daps Beröringsfri anmälan och Detect

Prisma Daps touchless demand and Detect

Prisma Daps 2000•L offers a function that allows you to request the green phase without physical contact with the push button. The most important benefit is that the request disappears if the person who made the request leaves the intersection - and no one else is waiting for the green signal, of course. 

  • Prisma Daps

Prisma Daps and RFID tag provides exceptions

Persons who are equipped with an RFID tag or have access to the vibrator with push function can in this case notify the Prisma Daps Detect to make an exception from the detection zone.  Prisma Daps Detect prioritizes...

  • Prisma Daps

Prisma Daps error detection even better

Prisma Daps 2000•L detects internal faults and report them to the traffic controller in case of any failure. The following components can be monitored...