Laoder locating sound for pedestrian crossings

The sound in Prisma Daps serves as an auditory beacon, guiding individuals towards the pedestrian crossing. In certain environments, it may be beneficial to supplement with an external speaker. The advantage of Prisma Daps’ external speaker is that it can be connected to the pedestrian signal, ensuring synchronized sound.

Prisma Daps ES-400

Try our external speaker, Prisma Daps ES-400, comes in three models:
Prisma Daps ES-410
Prisma Daps ES-411
Prisma Daps ES-412
The speaker connects to Prisma Daps 2000•L or Prisma Daps 2000•M and is mounted at approximately 2.5 meters high, facing towards the opposite side of the crossing.

Prisma Daps ES-400 serves an important function, particularly at noisy intersections and wide streets, where a load locating sound is desired for pedestrians crossing the road.

To connect the speaker to the pedestrian signal, Prisma Daps must be connected with a 10- or 13-core cable.

More about Prisma Daps’ external speaker

>> Prisma Daps ES-400 Product Sheet