News Prisma DI

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From Tibro To The World

Our products have reached over 90 countries since 1987. In the future, we are looking forward to bringing our over 35 years of expertise to new horizons.

  • PrismaTibro RO-3 Crankshaft Deflection Indicator
  • Prisma DI-4 Crankshaft Deflection Indicator
  • Prisma DI-4C Crankshaft Deflection Indicator
  • Prisma DI 5 Series Crankshaft Deflection Indicator
  • Prisma DI-5C Crankshaft Deflection Indicator

A Look Back: The History of Prisma DI

PrismaTibro has manufactured instruments to measure crankshaft deflection on vessels and in power plants since the late 1980s...

  • Prisma DI: Två typer av givare

Prisma DI: Two types of transducers

Prisma DI is a measuring device for measuring crankshaft deflection in very large combustion engines. There are two types of transducers...

  • Calibrate your Prisma DI
  • Calibrate your Prisma DI

Calibrate your Prisma DI

When calibration is performed, it is compared to a known reference standard to determine potential deviations.

  • Export data to Excel with Prisma DI-5C

Export data to Excel with Prisma DI-5C

Export data to Excel with Prisma DI-5C. Prisma DI Crankshaft Deflection Indicator – did you know that you can transfer your data?

  • Prisma DI Crankshaft Deflection Indicator

Change Limit Value on Prisma DI-5C

Change Limit Value on Prisma DI-5C. What is the default limit value on Prisma DI-5C and how does one change it?

  • Prisma DI – Crankshaft Deflection Indicator

How is Prisma DI linked to the SDGs?

How is Prisma DI linked to the 2030 Agenda? Prisma DI is a measuring device for large combustion engines, which might make it difficult to notice any connections between Prisma DI and ecological sustainability. However, if you take a closer look...

  • Prisma DI – Crankshaft Deflection Indicator

Prisma DI: Your crankshaft deflection indicator

Prisma DI: Your crankshaft deflection indicator Prisma DI, how is it used? Prisma DI is a measuring device for large combustion engines, used to indicate crankshaft deflection. Engine makers set an...

  • Prisma DI

Prisma DI Spare Tips included in kit

When you place your order for a new Prisma DI, Deflection Indicator, PrismaTibro will always supply a set of spare tips with the new device. Set of tips contains...

  • Prisma DI
  • Prisma DI

Have you discovered Prisma DI-5?

Are you a satisfied user of Prisma DI-4? You're not alone. We are still getting queries from our customers who are interested to procure Prisma DI-4 and Prisma DI-4C, as their old devices are lost or simply gone out of service...